Saturday, February 26, 2011

wonderful new things

Hello there,
Today I was wondering how many of my friends out there are waiting for SPRING!
Well me for one. I was telling my hubby, it was time to think about tilling up the garden and planting. I would like to try some potatoes, you see our garden is only ( don't laugh) about maybe 10 x 10 or so. You would be surprised how much we can grow in that space. Most of the time we grow Tomatoes , green bean and onions and peppers. cucumbers. Last October I put in some garlic, so far it looks good.

I had a friend that passed away about six weeks ago. She had started a latch hook rug. Its about 3x5 and her husband gave it to me, I had forgotten how to do it, I woke up in the early morning and it came to me how it is done. I know God wanted me to finish that rug. He always show me the way. It should be pretty when finished. So Babs I will finish your rug. Thanks.

Well hope all is well with you girls out there . Take care. HUGS Juanita

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Hi Girls
Well guess what ? Linda over at prairie flower farm, is having another party and she is giving away a Gooseberry Patch cookbook. Go over and see what a wonderful Blog she has. She has become a good friend of mine, and I love her blog, I read it every day and I can hardly wait every night to see what she is doing on the farm. God Bless her and her family.

I haven't been on for a couple of days. The internet has been down. It is a mess for me when that happens. We are ok now.
We are having some rain this evening and it is supposed to be warm tomorrow. Maybe I can get out and do some garden work.
My garlic looks good so far, the tops are green as can be, hope my first attempt is good, pray and keep my fingers crossed. LOL .I would like to put in some potatoes too, Itsabout that time around here.

I want to start some pin keepers and do the" Winter all year long," from Linda's place, she has the neatest things. I have ordered the fabric and bias from her and it should be pretty. I have seen some pictures of the one she did, she is very talented.

My hubby has COPD and his breathing hasn't been to good for the last couple of days. Please remember him in your prayers, Thanks. He was a smoker but quit a fews years ago, Thank God but was alittle late.

Well I would lilke to hear from you girls and let me know what you are doing, Hugs Juanita

Monday, February 21, 2011


Hi Sweet Sisters,
Well I guess I can come back,LOL for awhile I couldn't find where I was,LOL Really true. I am new to this blogging thing and I lost my way. That is why I didn't write sooner, I know I am to old for this technology stuff. Oh well I'll try again.

We have had some snow this year and I know just about every one else has. Thank goodness ours does not stay to long.

I have been thinking about the garden and I ordered my onions for the season. I like to see things grow. I will plant some zinnas when the weather permits. Also some tomatoes and gr. beans and peppers, cucumbers, always some butter nut squash. Love those things. they keep good in the winter and are so good for you.

Just wanted to tell you ladies that I found a new blog spot for crafts and patterns, alot are free. Some of you all may already have it or know about it. Its called Patchwork posse, I love this sight, found the cutest pin keeper on there made of scrap stash, This I have in my sewing room, aplenty. These make nice little tuckin gifts and bazaar items. I'll get started soon. Go over and find out how nice it is.

Cleaned my Sewing room Saturday and what a difference it made, I can actually find stuff, LOL it was a mess after Christmas, did a lot of sewing for the holidays and made some neat things. I did some bread cloths and went to the thrift store for baskets and cleaned them and put the cloths in them and filled them with towels and dish cloths I had made, also some blackberry jelly from my Blackberry bushes. They were a hit with my sisters and some friends. I will put a picture on when I learn how. Any instructions out there, I am willing to learn ?I know there are smart sisters out there that would help an old lady out.

I hope some of you all will come to my Blog and chat some.
Thanks Linda and Dani, I found you had been there. Hugs to all, who enter.
Proverbs 17:22 A Merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Until next, Love ya all, Needy

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hi every one, I really am sorry for not being on here sooner, I really didn't think any one would write me or find my Blog.
Thanks Linda and Dani. you girls are Great.

Well we have had a cold winter as well as everybody else so I hear, I have been thinking of spring, and my little garden. I planted some garlic last October and the tops are green, I covered them with straw and they look good. I really don't know to much about this, hope I do get some though. Does anyone know any thing about it, how to harvest and all. Let me know. I have been doing some sewing and did alot of my christmas presents. It was a labor of Love and a busy time. Everyone liked my Blackberry jelly. Hope to do some more this summer. The farmers have started to plant potatoes here. I would like to put some in also. My garden is so small I don't know.

Lets hear from some farm girls out there. Let me know what you are doing .

Well Love you sweet ladies. Good night now and write soon. Juanita from sunflower lane