Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hello Christian friends

Hi Everyone, from sunflower Lane, Hope you all had a great week and it was what you all expected it to be. My week was a great one. One of my friends and I went to clean the church,
Did I tell you we starting a new Church, Well we are and it is called Colonial Baptist Church and we are a bible believing , teaching church. So many churches are not preaching the word now and more than ever it needs to be taught.

I have some more tomatoes to do, they will come in handy this winter for soup. and Chilli and Spaghetti. I will be putting more out for the fall, I hope they take and I get some before the frost, Also some green beans and some cucumbers. My Butter nut squash is doing nothing so far. I think because there are no bees to pollinate them, There are no honey bees around here to speak of . I have all blossoms but no fruit. there just fall off and die.

I have got to get busy and do some Christmas presents soon, it will be here before you know it.
Well I sure hope you all have a good week and that every thing goes along smooth for you.
Gos never said it would be all sunshine and roses. If we just have faith and do as the lord leads every thing will be ok. Pray for our New Church. I leave you with this thought: Proverbs 17;22
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine . But a broken spirit drieth the bones. Good night all. Hugs from me to you.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Hi Every one, well today is my g-daughters birthday, 18 to be exact. She is my second g-daughter and she is a sweetie. She is in College going in the second year. Good Luck Morgan and have a happy day, Love you GrandMa.

Today it is not so Hot and we had more rain yesterday, thank you Lord. It is supposed to be cooler the whole week, still getting some tomatoes and peppers, cucumbers. Our garden is small but it grows alot for us.

Have been trying to work on some more tote bags, they are all colors. and they are fun to make. Afriend wants me to make one for her group, Waste watchers, and put their name on it, something easy to carry when they go out to pick up other peoples trash in the neighbor hood.

Did I tell you we were starting a new Church, We are called the Colonial Baptist Church, we are a bible, believing , King James church, So many churches aren't preaching the word now and it is ashame. We like to hear the word preached. Well thats about it for now, Good night, Needy

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Busy Days

Hello, well the blackberries are but gone, they don't last to long ,maybe a couple of weeks.
Yesterday I was busy making a tote bag for my cousins g-daughter for her 4 th Birthday, her party is Saturday at Mc Donalds, here in town. I will take my g-son, Austin. He was 4 in April.

I have been doing some tote bags for the town wide Yard sale, in September. I hope I can get enough items made, in time. I love sewing and crafting. Just not enough time in the day seem like.
also want to make some aprons. They are coming back in style. I am glad of that , because I like aprons. The look so Homey to me, besides they keep your clothes cleaner. I need that ,because I get into my work. LOL.

Well pretty soon we will be in to August. Time is just flying by. Do some fall sewing then. I love fall and the Christmas season, I will be making all my Christmas presents this year. Hope they will be Appreciated.

That is about it for now. God Bless........Juanita

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Using what we have.

Well I did tell you all that I liked gardening. At my house I have a blackberry bush my father gave me before he passed away and it has been 12 years now and it has grown and grown, Charlie and I picked about 4 to 5 qts yesterday and I made some BB jelly. Got 6 ,1/2 pint jars out of the first batch and have enough juice for the second. I really like doing things like that, They have been plentiful even without the rain. We need more rain now. The good Lord knows best. They are some what tart,and need alot of sugar. The Lord blessed me with them so I have to make use of them, Charlie likes waffles and he says I should make some syrup too. we will see I may surprise him. Thats a good thing , don't you think?

I have made 4 tote bags so far and they are cute, if I do say so myself. I will try and learn to post a picture on here, but I don't know how just yet. Today I was at another Blog and the study of Ruth was being taught. I love that book in the Bible and I read along with it, so nice to do.

I went to Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster Pa. and saw the production on the stage. I have only on thing to say for those shows, Wonderful. If you ever get the chance to go, please do. you will be hooked on them, and you will want ot go back.

well I guess I'll close for now and do some more sewing . Would appreciate you comments. Love and big hugs, Juanita

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Its amazing How God answers prayer

We have been having some very dry weather and we needed rain really bad, But I knew the Lord knew best and would give us the rain in due time, His, Not ours. well Prayers were answered to day. Thank You Lord, It is so refreshing to be able to go the Gos with our needs and Know that he listens and cares for us so much,

I have been doing some sewing and wanted to do something worth while to help out with our finances alittle, I have been making some tote bags for the grocery store shopping and not use those plastic bags. trying to gradually go green. Well today I made my first one. My best friend Anna , we have been friends for so long and we love each other like sisters, she is always there for me, I thank God for her, Any way she wants me to make her some, so I think the first one will be hers. Hope she likes it, It is real pretty and I will make me one also.

I hope some one will come back to me on my Blog, I am new to this , not growing up with computers and all. It was funny I opened my Blog and then I couldn't find it , I had to adk the farm sisters on MJF how to find it. I really felt so dumb. The girls there are so nice, they help out in so many ways. I hope I can post often. I love to hear from the great ladies here. Love you all Hugs, Juanita